Sunday, June 19, 2011

LA Pride Parade

West Hollywood is known as a very LGBT-friendly area of Los Angeles, what with its multiple bars, clothing and gift shops and centers devoted to celebrating same-sex love, equal rights, and freedom to be (or at least dress as) whoever you choose. So what better street than Santa Monica Boulevard, the aorta of West Hollywood so to speak, to have a Pride Parade? On June 12, men, women, and children from all over town came to walk in, sit by, dance through, and generally show their support.

After all, who wouldn't be thrilled to be a part of something that begins with the Hear-Me-Roar of "Dykes On Bikes"?
Or a pack of Gloria Allreds?

So, you may be asking yourself, Where do we come in?

You can't see it, but that's an FBI jacket. Yes, it would happen that we got to march through the rainbow lined streets with the FBI and the Los Angeles Police.

We were given plenty of flags to wave and hand to the most excited people we could find.

Of course there were plenty of people cheering, shouting, jumping up and down, and dancing to the din of 70's music from every float, so there was not a deficit of joy from all sides.

 After a lovely walk through cries of pride and glory, it all got topped off with a drink and a fake tattoo.
So what is Cheekbone about? Certainly not JUST Pride Parades, this isn't some annual update blog. We're here to talk about all things good, from the best albums to the worst movies, from the most dapper men's fashion to the certainly eclectic lady's dress, to current events, to silly little recipes, and everything in between. And maybe, just maybe, a couple more photos of men dressed as sexy cowboys.


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